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Photo by Brooke Cagle Unspash

Rooted in Receptivity ~

An annual, four-week, online facilitated group for up to 9 women.





Starts October 8th 2023: Sunday evenings 6pm-8pm UK  8/15/22/29 Oct 2023




What might it be like to honour the reality that you are a feeling sensing being with an inherently receptive nature? 

A nature that is awake and available to you through a practice of receptivity and the felt sense of your body.


Would you like to experience being part of a circle of encouragement ~ a circle that supports you to let go of what you are trying to be and relax more into what you actually are?


Would you like the opportunity to get curious about what pulls you out of yourself and into other people even in safe structured settings like women's circles?


Watch the video below to hear a little more detail about the group ~

NB Groups are now open to up to 9 women rather than 6


Rooted in Receptivity is a held and supported journey for 8 women to gently explore their receptive natures, their commitment to themselves and their inherent capacity to be simultaneously deeply rooted and finely receptive.



Over these four weeks we will work closely with ourselves and each other, using practices to support a re-orientating of our focus ~ away from outwardly striving, and towards inwardly receiving.

We will explore the role and importance of nervous system regulation as a support to safe relaxation and expansion in ourselves, and we will play with apparent paradoxes such as the noise of the silence and the aliveness of the stillness.


The principles of being rooted in receptivity 

  • Our receptivity is innate rather than something we have to develop or grow.

  • Whilst receptivity is a place of sensitivity, it is also a place of strength.

  • The deeper we rest back into our receptive nature, the more at ease and available we are to ourselves and each other

  • Receptivity is the heart of intimacy.

  • Dropping more deeply into our receptivity strengthens our capacity to penetrate with clarity, potency and true love.


Turning towards our receptivity is simply a matter of re-orientating ourselves, letting go of the tendency to be everything for everybody, instead resting back into ourselves and re-discovering how innately receptive we are without having to effort.


'I was delighted with this course and how it unfolded so effectively. I find Jenny to be a wonderful

facilitator for this important work, being deeply inclusive, warm, resourceful, and proficient. I look

forward to continuing when there is more on offer. I would recommend Jenny and Rooted in Receptivity unreservedly'.

CM ~ course participant November 2020







What the course includes:


~ Four two hour group sessions on zoom.

~ One follow up 1:1 Deep Listening session with Jenny.



Cost of course


There are three prices ~ Please pay what feels the most true for you at this time. The booking system is set so that you will need to enter the codes for the lower prices.


£180 No code.
£150  Code RR2330
£120  Code RR2360


(When you enter the code at the checkout make sure you press the arrow to the right to activate it



Starts October 8th 2023: Sunday evenings 6pm-8pm UK  8/15/22/29 Oct 2023









Photo by Aaron Burden ~ Unsplash

Photo by Aaron Burden ~ Unsplash

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