Deep Listening
What is Deep Listening?
Learning to listen deeply is ideal for anyone who's personal or professional life calls them to be present to themselves and others in ways that invite authenticity, open-heartedness and a depth of connection. Combining the classic Active Listening Skills with skills of self care and presence from Mindfulness, Hakomi Psychotherapy and Nervous System Science, it offers a quality of listening that minimises the risk of burnout and that nourishes the listener as well as the speaker, therefore making listening sustainable for the long term.
Would your team benefit from some training in Deep Listening?
I offer short and longer courses that teach a sustainable, trauma sensitive & nourishing approach to listening. I offer short and longer courses that teach a sustainable, trauma sensitive & nourishing approach to listening. We focus on how to listen well to others whilst simultaneously listening well to ourselves.
Short online and in person courses can include:​
Why and how we listen.
The beneficial impacts of being listened to.
Learning Active skills and Building Our Receptive Ground.
Trauma sensitive listening through a Nervous System awareness lens.
The importance of congruence, empathy and loving kindness.
How to listen with Skill and Sensitivity.
Deep Listening as a Life Skill.
I am happy to meet with you to create a bespoke listening training to meet your needs.
These courses are available online and in person.
These courses can be designed for the voluntary, educational and care sectors, as well as corporations, governments small communities, private organisations and small groups.​
If you would like to discuss your training needs, please email me on jennyrosesmith123@gmail.com to discuss.