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Hakomi Sessions for Practice Clients ~
A Mindfulness Based, Somatic Psychotherapy.

What is the Hakomi Method?

The Hakomi Method is a gentle mindfulness based approach that supports us to slow down enough to study ourselves and get curious about what we notice. We work closely together, coming into connection and then gently tracking what is showing up in your experience. Sometimes called Body Centred Psychotherapy,  sometimes called Assisted Self Discovery, Hakomi can help us to recognise how we might be organising ourselves and therefore our experience, based on beliefs that we hold. 
By slowing down, and approaching ourselves with mindfulness, we create the space to notice more of what is underneath our habitual patterns of organising.  Inn noticing and becoming curious we can start to explore the possibility of change.
A Hakomi practitioner may offer contained, consensual verbal or physical  experiments to support the exploration of reactions, responses and choices. 
How might a session work?
We might start with a gentle practice that supports us to come into the present moment more fully so that we can then approach ourselves through a kind and gentle attention of mindfulness. I will encourage you to self study and notice what wants your attention within your experience, and together we'll track and follow that. In Hakomi we offer mini 'experiments' which are consensually designed and then offered to support you to access and study deeper layers of your experience. We'll also be noticing and turning towards what brings you and your system (nervous system, body, mind) nourishment. 
Here is a link to a lovely explanation of how a session might be, by  Hakomi trainer Tanya Love.
What is the commitment for being a Hakomi Practice Client?
I am  offering a block of 6 sessions for each practice client.
These sessionsn will be online and will be recorded.
The recordings may be shared with my Hakomi supervisor and or my certification trainer.
These sessions are for an hour and will take place ideally at the same time each week for a period of 6 consecutive weeks.
They are offered for a donation for which you decide the amount.
What are Jenny's training and supervision arrangements?
I am in the last stages of  a 8 year Hakomi training and am in clinical and peer supervision for my 1:1 work. 
For more information about me and my work and training history please go here
How do I book a session?
Please email me on with any questions or to book.
If you would like us to have an initial no committement chat we can arrange a time to do that first.
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